Eyecite Citation Extractor
Eyecite is a high performance, robust, open source tool for extracting legal citations from text.
It has been tested against more than fifty million citations, and is used, among other things, to annotate millions of legal documents in the collections of CourtListener and the Caselaw Access Project.
Eyecite was developed in collaboration with the Harvard Library Innovation Lab.
Eyecite recognizes a wide variety of citations commonly appearing in American legal decisions, including:
Type | Example |
Full | Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, 99-100 (2000) |
Short | 531 U.S., at 99 |
Statutory | Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 1, § 2 |
Law Journal | 1 Minn. L. Rev. 1 |
Supra | Bush, supra, at 100 |
id | Id., at 101 |
Eyecite is powered by our database of reporters.
To learn more about eyecite, read the whitepaper describing its features in detail or check it out on Github.