Our Sponsors, Donors, and Volunteers

In addition to support from innumerable individual donors, Free Law Project has benefited immensely from the generous support from the organizations below.

If you or your organization would like to sponsor or donate to Free Law Project, please see our sponsorship page for more information.

Thank you to all of our wonderful supporters for making our work possible and helping us thrive.

Platinum Sponsors

Justia's Logo
Internet Archive Logo

Silver Sponsors

Riverside law logo
Bay and Paul Foundations Logo
Courthouse News Service
Attorney.com Logo
Fastcase Logo
Legal Robot logo
Krebs on Security Logo
Warren Lex Logo
l337 Technology Solutions logo
Sentry logo

Past Supporters & Major Donors

Knight Foundation Logo
Komply Logo
Lawyer.com Logo
Public.Resources.Org Logo

Our Volunteers

We've been fortunate over the years to have a number of great volunteer contributors helping design and make our various services. We have deep gratitude for the following organizations and individuals:

  • Elliott Ash for spearheading the judge project and Jon Ashley for picking it up and enhancing it years later.

  • Phil Ardery for his ongoing support of the Juriscraper framework. Ben Cassidy, Commetric, Inc., Bo Jin (Krist), Deb Linton, Matt Meiske, Andrew McConachie, Taliah B. Mirmalek, David Zvenyach, and others for their new feature work on the Juriscraper scraper framework.

  • John Hawkinson for over a decade of ongoing advice and contributions to the RECAP project.

  • Blake Stovall for his support of our legal case scraper and other initiatives.

  • Rebecca Fordon and Zvi Rosen for their indefatigable research and endless expertise.

  • Jason Aller for his work to make CourtListener mobile-friendly and for his enhancements to the coverage page and SCOTUS visualizations project.

  • Sarah Tyler for her research into search relevance and user interfaces.

  • Peter Nguyen for his design and UX work for the jurisdiction picker.

  • Karen Rustad and Rowyn McDonald for creating our citator, cross-linker and coverage graphs. Matt Dahl for adding depth of treatment and other enhancements.

  • Bo Jin (Krist) for creating the heart of our relevance engine.

Thank you all.

If you recently volunteered and we haven't yet added you, don't hesitate to remind us or to file a pull request for this file. If you want to join this list, send us an email with your résumé and we'll love to have your help.

© 2021 Free Law Project. Content licensed under a Creative Commons BY-ND international 4.0, license, except where indicated.