New formats for dump files

Michael Lissner

As mentioned in a previous post, we are currently making some changes to our back end to allow better citation meta data and searching granularity. As part of these changes, we have made two small changes to our dump formats.

The first change is to list docketNumber, westCite and lexisCite instead of caseNumber and westCitation. We previously had many West-style citations listed as generic case numbers. This wasn't very accurate, so we've re-organized this to have better granularity.

The second change we've made is to how we handle missing or incomplete data. Previously, if a case was missing data, we would simply not include it in a dump. This was not the best solution, so we're now including any information we have about a case in every dump we create. In some cases, this can create partial cases that lack vital meta data.

We hope these changes will be easy to work with, and that they'll cause no disruption.

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