Free Law Project Makes Emoluments Clause Opinions Searchable in its Collection of Attorney General Advisory Opinions

Michael Lissner
Sign at the entrance of the OLC office

Free Law Project is proud to share that in our effort to create the most complete online collection of opinions, today we added 24 Attorney General advisory opinions relating to the Emoluments Clause and dating from 1952 to 2009. Attorney General advisory opinions are written by the Office of Legal Counsel in the Justice Department, and provide legal advice to the President and all the Executive Branch agencies.

The opinions we added today were made available to Politico in 2012 in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, and were recently published on their website. Included in the opinions is a range of advisory guidance on topics ranging from whether Nixon could accept anonymous donations to pay for his taxes to whether President Obama could accept the Nobel Peace Prize.

As with all of the opinions on CourtListener, we have completed OCR on these opinions, and their contents are immediately available for search, bulk download, and via our APIs. Free Law Project is proud to include these in's collection of over 1,000 Attorney General advisory opinions, making it the most complete collection of Attorney General advisory opinions available.

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